What is a DAkkS calibration?
DAkkS calibration gives the user certainty about the measurement error of a given device under defined conditions. The resulting calibration certificate documents the generally recognized metrological traceability of the encoder by a monitored and impartial institution.
NOTE: In compliance with ISO 9001, to the extent required for ensuring valid results, measuring devices must, among other things, be calibrated and/or verified at defined intervals or prior to use with measuring standards traceable to international or national measuring standards.
DAkkS calibration at HEIDENHAIN
The accredited calibration lab at HEIDENHAIN has been calibrating digital linear and angle encoders in compliance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 since 1994. The German National Accreditation Body DAkkS [Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH] inspects and monitors the calibration lab and certifies HEIDENHAIN with regard to its personnel and metrology competence.
Requirements for the DAkkS calibration certificate
Correct calibration in compliance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 requires verified and validated procedures. Our calibration lab has developed and established such procedures for many HEIDENHAIN products (e.g., length gauges), generally meeting most customer needs. If you have special requirements, then please submit a comprehensive description of your calibration needs. HEIDENHAIN will check for feasibility and prepare a quotation.
DAkkS calibration certificate or manufacturer's test certificate?
In a manufacturer's test certificate, the manufacturer provides information about its encoder's measurement error. A DAkkS calibration certificate describes the measuring characteristics of the encoder through an independent and impartial institution. We would be glad to advise you on the DAkkS calibration and the manufacturer's test certificate.